Dental Botox in Scarborough and East York


Eastside Family Dentistry

Dental Botox Treatment

Dental botox is a popular minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It involves the injection of botulinum toxin into specific facial muscles to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. While botox is commonly associated with cosmetic treatments, it has proved to be an effective solution for various dental issues, ranging from TMJ pain and bruxism to gummy smiles and migraines.

Dr. Janjughazova is an excellent candidate for successfully administering BOTOX treatments because of her extensive training in head and facial anatomy. She is also an expert at delivering comfortable and pain-free injections, which means you won’t feel a thing during your BOTOX treatment.

One of the main benefits of dental botox is its ability to relieve chronic pain conditions that are caused by poor dental occlusion or grinding habits. Botox injections can effectively relax the muscles around the TMJ area, reducing the frequency and severity of headaches and pain associated with TMJ disorder. In addition, botox can be used to reduce facial muscle tension, which can help patients who suffer from migraines or tension headaches.

Dental botox can also be used to improve the appearance of a “gummy” smile. When injected into the muscles that control the upper lip’s movement, botox can help lower the lip to cover more of the gum line, giving a more aesthetically pleasing smile. Overall, dental botox is an excellent option for patients seeking a minimally invasive, alternative solution to traditional dental procedures. It can provide a great improvement to both the cosmetic outlook and comfort of dental patients.

If you would like to learn more about how BOTOX might benefit your needs, we encourage you to call us today to arrange a consultation with Dr. Janjughazova. She can discuss your concerns and goals with you to determine if BOTOX treatments may be beneficial. BOTOX treatments can be completed in the comfort of our dental office in one short appointment, and your recovery time is minimal. Give us a call today to learn more!

Action shot of a Botox shot.
Action shot of a patient receiving Botox.
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